

这篇文章使我们来聊一聊申诉的方式,大家来一起学习一个申诉案例,将以前干瘪的逻辑性叙述和实际上的运用结合在一起,根据这一实例学习培训,期待大家都能掌握到准确的申诉逻辑思维,把握基本的申诉方法。由于 近卖家们接到的投诉以仿货投诉占多数,我们在实例学习中,或是再次应用前的通告邮件

“Hello, You currently may not sell on Amazon.com because you are offering items that may be inauthentic. A list of these items is at the end of this email.

To sell on Amazon again, please send the following information to [email protected]:

-- Copies of invoices, receipts, contracts, delivery orders, or authorization letters from your supplier issued in the last 90 days. The quantity of items shown should match your inventory.

-- If you are not the brand owner, provide an authorization letter and a complete set of documentation, including authorization letters, to prove a valid supply chain.

-- If you are the brand owner, provide a copy of the brand registration certificate, and business license or personal identity card.

-- Contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, email, and website.

You can send .pdf, .jpg, .png, or .gif files. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. We may call your supplier to verify the documents. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information.

We will review your information and decide if you may sell on Amazon again. If you do not send the required information within 17 days, we may no longer allow you to sell on Amazon. Failure to provide us with the information above may result in us permanently withholding any payments to you.

Learn more about our policies in Seller Central Help:

--Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/201165970)

-- Intellectual Property Violations (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/200386260)

-- Policies and Agreements (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/521)

To talk to someone about this email, ask our Seller Support team to contact you (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/contact-us/performance).

ASIN: xxxxxx TITLE: xxxxxx 


Seller Performance Team Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com



一般的卖家接到那样的邮件, 反映毫无疑问并不是“槽糕,得提前准备申诉了”,反而是“怎么可能?!肯定是亚马逊哪儿搞错了!”自然,也无法清除卖家在自身彻底不知道的情形下,确实遇到了“卖假货”这条底线。在这类发生了既成事实,可是被告方却沒有定义的情况下,也会造成“我没有错!”的印像。因而,接到这一邮件的 件事,是先搞清楚,自身到底有什么组成卖假货的客观事实。不止是仿货投诉,就算是别的投诉, 步全是先弄清楚,到底有什么产生这样的事情,根据多方核实,确认自身是不是确实遇到了亚马逊的底线。仅有确认了具体情况,后面的申诉才可以产生助推,不然很有可能反倒会让状况恶变。

返回事例中,大家怎么判断自身是否卖了仿货呢?要了解亚马逊所界定的仿货遮盖了非常广的范畴,从沒有合理合法受权销售的产品,到造成侵权情况的产品,乃至顾客留评中表述不满意而应用的“knockoff、fake”那样的词也会造成亚马逊以“inauthentic”为由关掉卖家的listing或者冻洁卖家的账户。而作为受害人的卖家,则得肩负起寻找详细的,造成亚马逊关掉个人行为的缘故。即使卖家确实对自身的违规操作心照不宣,也应当再再审一遍账户的其它层面,确认全部潜在性的点。这一看上去好像和大家以前说的少说话多做事分歧,可事实上当亚马逊仅仅说“inauthentic”的情况下,除开他自己,谁都不清楚他是依据哪一个缘故或是某好多个缘故作出的分辨,因而大家务必得确保“inauthentic”的点都包括在申诉书里。不然,申诉信报上去了,可是沒有遮盖全,亚马逊很有可能会觉得该卖家是在有意推卸责任,那麼回应的結果就很难说了。我们在以前注重的少说话多做事,指的是亚马逊在说“inauthentic”,而大家还附加的说了“abuse the platform”“poor performance”这种事儿。

在确认实际缘故时,大家必须井然有序的行動。 先,确认产品信息内容是不是很有可能出现侵权行为。做这一确认时有可能会必须一些专业的 组织帮助,终究咱们仅有17天乃至更短的申诉時间,要在浩瀚无垠的商标专利深海中去确认是不是侵权行为,确实有点儿消耗时间。开展商标logo,专利权等查看的与此同时,就得转为自身的货源供应商,该认证的验证,该出示原材料的出示原材料。假如确实是自已的供应链上的问题,如实说。要想靠其他道路弄资质证书这类的小伙伴们,想一想大家以前文章内容的內容,依稀记得伪造证据罪的不良影响呢,或是说,非常值得一搏?也有客户评价和投诉的一部分,但是这一部分并不一定尤其调研,总之她们投诉的也是和“inauthentic”有关的,那麼调研的信息通常全是重复的,往往要确认点评,仅仅为了更好地保证在申诉的过程中不容易由于跳开了而被亚马逊扣上一个推卸责任的遮阳帽。