- by www.didiyangyou.com
- on Thu 18 May 2023
After selecting the products, I will first select a benchmarking product. Generally, I will select three benchmarking products, which correspond to the three stages of my operating products: early stage (about 2 months), middle stage (2-4 months) and late stage (half a year after the products are put on the shelves). I use the long-term idea of promoting high-quality products by myself. I also know those who say they can push the products up in three months (because I have pushed the products in three months, and the ranking is stable at about 50 in the category, with about 25 orders per day.)Instagram likes cheap,buy Instagram likes paypal
然后制定推广节奏和销售目标。 批货一般选择空运, 批货一般预备40天左右的销量。对于确定能爆单的产品,会同时发一批海运,不太确定。 批销售半个月后,会有一波空运,同时发一批海运。
产品还未上架时之前可以加入早期评论人计划,现在这个计划取消了可以参加VINE Voice计划。对产品质量没信心的一定不要做这个。
上架后第 每天开始增加QA,前期流量少,QA每天增加1-2个,QA内容里埋上产品核心关键词,这里是很容易被卖家忽略的一个埋词的点,多埋几次反正也不要钱,增加关键词权重,一周内完成10个左右QA。然后开售第 就找高质量买家账号开始测评,我开始是不做直评的,风险太大还很容易被撸。在评价上来之前我也不会开广告裸奔的
FBA 上架第二周,有序安排回评,有2-3个高质量评价之后开启自动广告,次核心关键词也会直接开手动,然后安排测评通过广告关键词进来,给亚马逊交保护费嘛,接着依旧每天增加QA,一周内完成10个QA,保持每天1-2个QA的进度。回评只要包含视频,图片,纯文字高质量评价。广告方面,开启手动三种模式广告。同时再开启一个自动广告跑词,自动广告竞价会根据情况而定,大部分都是先略高于建议竞价或者持平。之前也会操作对质量好的评价点赞,但是目前这个办法有点行不通了,有时候只给好评点了一个赞就被撸掉了, 近风控比较严。如有差评 时间处理,确保至少首页无差评, 好前一个月都不要有差评出现。
产品上架第三周,曾加广告投入,调整广告继续安排回评,回评速度加快,但留评率控制刚开始 好不要超过30%,这一周内完成10个左右评价。放缓QA,主要对重要的QA点赞,踩不利于我们的买家回复的QA。
对于超出毛利率的20%以下的广告可稍微人为干预,提高CTR和转化率,然后观察情况。第二周的时候同一关键词同时开启手动精准,词组,广泛三种模式,这周看哪一种或者两种表现更好,把表现差的关掉,如果表现都不错,ACOS都低于毛利率,那么都保留并且持续观察。对表现 好的广告组加大广告预算。下载广告报告,把自动广告,手动精准,手动词组里表现好的客户搜索词整理出来,重新创建新的广告组,此时手动精准比较合适。整理广告报告里面的不精准词,做到各个广告的否定里面,做精准否定。另外在亚马逊后台开始报秒杀活动。
产品上架第四周,秒杀安排,继续安排回评,这周过去要突破 低40个VP评价大关。尽量保证首页无差评。维持评论星级4.5以上。及时回复买家QA问题。有差评的话分析差评内容,完善产品描述。再说下参加秒杀,秒杀前需要提升listing流量和转化率。秒杀后需要稳定排名。产品 次秒杀至关重要,因为如果 次做的好那么后期的秒杀会越来越好,反之就越来越差,后期我会专门讲一下秒杀的操作。整个产品推广期间每天都需要重点关注listing排名和核心关键词自然搜索排名,保持核心关键词自然搜索排名在首页。关注竞争对手动态。控制广告ACOS,在秒杀和站外推广时候提高广告竞价和预算,广告ACOS值大于等于毛利率的通通关掉,只保留赚钱的广告。如果核心大词ACOS都高于毛利率,检查listing质量。
In the fourth week after the product was put on the shelf, the second kill was arranged, and the review was continued. In the past week, the minimum 40 VP evaluation levels were to be exceeded. Try to ensure that there are no bad comments on the home page. Maintain the rating above 4.5. Timely reply to the buyer's QA questions. If there are bad comments, analyze the content of bad comments and improve the product description. Besides, you need to improve the listing traffic and conversion rate before participating in the second kill. You need to stabilize the ranking after the second kill. The first second kill of the product is very important, because if it is done well at the first time, the second kill in the later stage will be better and better, otherwise it will be worse and worse. I will talk about the operation of second kill in the later stage. During the whole product promotion period, we need to focus on the listing ranking and natural search ranking of core keywords every day to keep the natural search ranking of core keywords on the home page. Pay attention to the dynamics of competitors. Control advertising ACOS, increase advertising bidding and budget during second kill and off-site promotion, turn off all advertising ACOS values greater than or equal to gross profit margin, and only retain profitable advertising. If the core big words ACOS are higher than the gross profit margin, check the listing quality.Instagram likes cheap,buy Instagram likes paypal