- by www.didiyangyou.com
- on Thu 18 May 2023
#site_name#获悉,据《环球报》报道,新加坡电商巨头Shopee正在巴西开设 个仓库中心。目前,该中心仍在建设中,位于一条通向圣保罗的高速公路边上。
据报道,该仓库中心将主要用于卖家存储货物,还尚未确定启用日期。若建成,Shopee将进一步向巴西市场扩张,与Mercado Livre、Americanas、Magalu等零售商形成有力竞争。
#site_name#了解到,Shopee正在将业务发展瞄准巴西市场。在今年3月份,Shopee巴西业务经理Felipe Feistler在接受采访时曾表示,Shopee在巴西的重点是在卖家和消费者之间建立联系,而不是关注物流方面。
#site_ Name# learned that shopee is targeting its business development at the Brazilian market. In March this year, Felipe feistler, shopee's Brazil business manager, said in an interview that shopee's focus in Brazil is to establish links between sellers and consumers, rather than focusing on logistics.auto like ins,real active Instagram likes
然而现在,Shopee却在建设仓库中心了。并且,Shopee还在法利亚地区设有一个行政总部,由原来的一层面积扩展到现在的三层。根据Beyond Borders统计,Shopee目前在巴西市场的用户访问量排名第八,都快超过排在第七的速卖通了。
Now, however, shopee is building a warehouse center. Moreover, shopee also has an administrative headquarters in Faria, which has been expanded from the original one floor area to the current three floors. According to beyond borders, shopee currently ranks eighth in terms of user visits in the Brazilian market, almost surpassing express, which ranks seventh.auto like ins,real active Instagram likes
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